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What is Life Coaching?

Happy Childhood

The term Life Coaching is broadly used to define getting coaching support for achieving personal goals or making changes in your life.


A Life Coach is there to build on your strengths, bring awareness to areas that may be holding you back and work with you to implementing a clear plan and how to achieve it.


Who needs a Life Coach?


We are a bit biased but we think everyone can benefit from working with a Life Coach!


Typically, people choose to work with us because of a feeling of not quite reaching their true potential or a need of support to achieve goals or make changes. What these goals or changes are depend on the individual and we are there to work with you, as an individual, to support you in whatever way is needed.


How does Life Coaching Work?


  1. We arrange a free Chemistry Meeting – click here to book your free chemistry meeting – where we have an open conversation around what you are looking to achieve, how we work and crucially, if we both feel there is Chemistry and we can work effectively together

  2. Our first session is about clarifying the focus for our overall engagement and getting to understand you more deeply so we create an agreement about exactly where we are going, how we will know when we are there and what we need to know about each other in order to effectively support and challenge. We will also start to map out what specific pieces of work we will need to address as we move through our engagement

  3. Each session then has it’s own clear focus and outcome which will all feed into the overall goal(s) for the engagement and each session will end with actions for you to work on in between sessions. These could be tangible items like trying a new routine or it could be more reflective in nature

  4. Finally, when we come to the end of an engagement, we will take some time to reflect on the journey and set up where you go from here


By taking the time to get clear on your goals and outcomes with real, tangible measures, we know how we are progressing. This means that you can effectively measure change and outcomes and can see your own progression clearly.


Why work with us?


We are passionate about supporting people to achieve their goals and make lasting change. This passion drives us to be the best coaches we can be. Tangibly, this means that:


  • We are professionally trained (135 hours of coach specific skills training)

  • We are ICF (international Coach Federation) members and abide by their code of ethics

  • We are committed to continuous professional development

  • We attend supervision (working with a coaching supervisor to ensure we are working most effectively with clients)


Above all else, we really care about you. We coach believing you are creative, resourceful and whole. We know you are your own best expert on yourself. We see our role as helping you get out of your own way, raising awareness of what is going on for you and creating a space where you can confidently make changes and decisions that will have a lasting impact on your life.


We are really proud of the work we have done and you can click here to see a selection of our testimonials from other client we have worked with.


How much does Life Coaching cost?


Life Coaching is an investment in you.


Our prices are dependant on the length of the engagement. Our experience has shown that a minimum of 6 hours is required to make sure we have the time to really delve into whatever is going on and take the time to co create actions and implement real, lasting change.​


This can be taken as either 3 sessions of 2 hour duration or 4 sessions of 90 minute duration. The investment is €750 which is paid up front in advance after our free chemistry meeting.

Paul Smyth

Paul is a qualified professional coach and entrepreneur who has worked in large multinationals and specialist recruitment consultancies before establishing his own business.


As a coach, Paul believes in creating a supportive environment where he can challenge effectively. This offers the opportunity for growth, raised awareness and confidence in decisions.


Paul works with a range of processionals from all industry backgrounds who want to make changes in their lives. 



Contact Paul:


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Paul Smyth

Laura Smyth

Laura is an ICF qualified coach who enjoyed a successful career in banking before co-founding her own recruitment business in January 2016. Laura recruits Technology candidates across all levels.


Laura is a passionate people person who thrives in helping people find their career direction. Laura believes that in order to grow and stretch we need to be challenged. She does that in a way that makes her clients comfortable and her questions are all about raising awareness for the client. Once you are aware of a certain action or behaviour you possess that no longer serves you, you are in a powerful position to change it.


Laura works with many professionals who are looking to make a change in their work of personal life.


Contact Laura:


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Laura Smyth
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